Friday 22 June 2018

8 Effective Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away This Summer

Backyard barbecues, playing catch with your child, relaxing by the pool… These summer activities are so close to perfect, but it only takes one tiny little intruder to completely ruin all the fun. Mosquitoes are hard to spot, but their bite is impossible to ignore. Keep them from ruining your outdoor fun this summer by applying these effective backyard mosquito control measures. 1. Eliminate Their Breeding Spots Effective mosquito control begins with ensuring mosquitoes can’t multiply on your property. And since mosquitoes need standing water to breed, you can increase your chances of having a mosquito-free backyard by eliminating all standing water from your property. Fix spots in your lawn that tend to collect water, remove toys and debris from your property, check your downspouts, empty the kid pools, and drain any other water you find. If you have a pool, don’t worry. The chlorine deters mosquitoes. 2. Don’t Forget About Your Birdbath You love the chirps ...


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