Monday 9 April 2018

Is it cost effective to install electric gates and will they help protect my property?

It wasn’t long ago that electric gates were something you only saw on big estate houses and the driveways of the rich and famous. We all imagine tall iron gates with security cameras and intercoms that produce an over protective security guard demanding some scheduled appointment or other whys ‘please leave’. Those days are long behind us and more and more people are installing stylish looking gates that complement the age and style of their property, protect their home or business and keep away unwanted callers. So why not just install some basic gates and save your hard earned money? Unfortunately, we are all only human and who wants to continuously get in and out of their vehicle every time we want to leave or enter our driveway. Especially when the rains coming down or we are late to get the kids to school. So, if we have gates, we leave them open. It’s just easier that way and open gates in a driveway are about as useful as no gates at all. What’s ...


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