Sunday 29 April 2018

How to do a Thorough Deep Clean Before Moving In

No matter how clean your new home may look, you will still want to carry out a deep clean before you set up all of your furniture. Knowing that everything is pristine helps you to feel more settled as you start out on the next chapter of your life.    It's a good idea to arrange to clean before your furniture arrives if possible. If you are not able to do this, ask the removals company to place the furniture in one space which you can clean last. You can then move the furniture into position as each area of your new home is cleaned.    Always clean from top to bottom When you start out on the cleaning process, it's important that you begin at the top of the room and work your way downwards. This is because grime, dust and cobwebs from around the top of the walls and the ceiling will naturally fall downwards as you wipe. The last thing you want is for all of the dirt to drop down onto a floor that you have just cleaned.    Start with the ...


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