Thursday 12 April 2018

6 Simple DIY Tips to Make Your Furniture Last Longer

We use different kinds of furniture pieces in our homes, such that today they have become the most integral house interiors features. So, it’s important also that you know how best to take care of them to last long and save you money. We love our furniture pieces, including chairs, tables, beds, dining chairs and tables, armchairs, sofas, and many more because of the visible functions they perform in our homes. These functions can be classified in to two: utility function and decorative/aesthetic functions. Utility functions are the primary functions for furniture items are bought. Tables, for instance, are purchased so we can read, drink, or eat on them, or simply drop things on them. We equally buy beds to rest and sleep on. Apart from the primary function, however, furniture also performs decorative function, which can be regarded as secondary function. We use furniture to beautify and add weight and grandeur to our homes. We may not always think of furniture as performing ...


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