Saturday 7 April 2018

Cancel Allergy Season with These Common Sense Landscaping Tips

The spring allergy season is right around the corner. It may not seem like it with all this winter weather we’re having. And if you’re anything like me, when the grass is green and the lilies are’re sneezing! Before you get your tissues ready, consider how your yard work habits contribute to your allergies. What can you do to cut down pollen at the source? Research Your Local Lawn Care Services If mowing the lawn gives you a runny nose and itchy, watery eyes, you may be one of millions of Americans who suffer from grass allergies. The best way to avoid triggering your allergies is to avoid the pollen entirely. In other words, get someone else to man that mower. You can hop online and see what services and price packages are offered in your area with a quick search. Maybe paying a landscaping company to groom your favorite shrubs isn’t in the budget right now, though. Maybe you just like getting your hands in the dirt. If that’s the ...


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