Friday 20 October 2017

How To: Save Money On Your Energy Bills

For us, and we are sure for you, the dip in temperature and the joys of the annual family debate of whether it is too early to put the heating on begins this month. We start thinking about ‘Energy Saving’ in our homes, and with the recent hike in energy bills we have been looking at ways we can save you money and also get an understanding as to why they can be so expensive!

Whether we like it or not, household bills equate to some of our biggest monthly outgoings. From water to electricity, gas to council tax, the cost of running your home all adds up. However, where it may be easy to complain about the high costs of bills these days, the question is, are we doing all we can to save money on our bills?

Here are our tips on how you can make some changes.


Save up to £300* by switching and there are plenty of websites you can choose to help you discover how much you can save by switching providers. Such as these Ofgem-accredited price comparison sites:

Get Energy Efficient

Become energy savvy with these tips for your home:

  • Saving Schemesg. offered by the government and energy suppliers
  • Home Improvementsg. double glazing, loft insulation, wall insulation, energy efficient lightbulbs
  • Be Kitchen Smartg. defrost food in time (no use of microwave), put a lid on it, load up the oven, chop smaller to cook quicker and cook in thermal efficient pots and pans

Pay Smartly

These tips will help reduce costs with your current energy supplier:

  • Ditch the standard variable rate tariff! Find a fixed one for 12 months or more and pay by direct debit for the best rates
  • Provide regular meter readings
  • Switch to online monthly bills (this could save you almost 10% by avoiding paper bills)

Use Less

It sounds blindingly obvious to use lessmeaning you will spend less, but there are different ways to save on consumption: from the small to the large, every step adds up in savings!

  • Set timers on your heating so it comes on when you need it the most and goes off when you leave the house – perfect for those working 9-5 out of the home
  • Turn off the lights when you leave a room and try not to boil more water than you need
  • Use energy saving light bulbs as they last up to 10 times longer and using one can save you up to £55 over the lifetime of the bulb.

We hope we have been able to give you some useful tips and advice to help you save money on your energy bills. If you would like to see how much you could save by replacing your old doors and windows, discover our scrappage scheme where you can receive up to £3000* off your new energy efficient doors and windows. We’re also offering up to 40%* off too! Discover the scheme here:

Be quick as this offer ends the 31st October 2017.


The post How To: Save Money On Your Energy Bills appeared first on Good to be Home.

from Good to be Home

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