Wednesday 11 October 2017

How Smart Homeowners Avoid Getting Ripped Off By Contractors

We all look forward to a perfect DIY job but even DIYers still need a professional for aspects of the job they can't-do themselves. Whether you’re trying to remodel your living room or revamp your bathroom, Americans spend over $150 billion on home repairs and improvements annually, that’s a lot of money and scammers will try to take advantage if you don’t know what to look for. Homeowners have recounted horrid tales about a renovation job that went south because the job took twice as long, the contractor demanded more money than was agreed upon or left a huge mess after doing a botched job on your precious home. While there are honest professions who will give you a good quote, keep to schedule and do an excellent job on your home, you have to be realistic about the bad eggs that give the trade a bad name. 8 steps to hiring the right contractor who won’t rip you off Recommendations The tried and tested method people used before the internet came along was ...


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