Wednesday 11 October 2017

9 amazing design tips and techniques for starting a small garden

It’s hard to enjoy anything fresh or natural when you live in the city. The smoke rising in the morning at the nearby factory on the commute to work or the noise of passersby, cars, trucks and taxi that pollutes the air you breathe. Your luxurious treat is to go home and smell the roses and herbs in your small garden that you’ve carefully nurtured through love and attention. Every little space is precious and with a number of possibilities on how you’re going to transform your small area into a leafy refuge. Small gardens have many advantages - they are low maintenance, can enhance your creativity and won’t cost a fortune to startup. Principles of a good garden design Ensure your design is functional and practical. There is more to balance than symmetrical mirror image. Symmetric balance is an image split down the middle. Every design should have a focal point. Use pictures from all angles by placing them on the perimeter of ...


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