Friday 13 October 2017

10 Top Tips to Get You Moving Like a Pro

Moving to a new place can be wonderful and exciting until you start to think of all the stuff you have to figure out to make your moving fast and smooth, without closing down the bank. Using the tricks below will make your moving a lot less stressful and even enjoyable. Start early: It is a huge mistake to pack in a rush, it is ideal to start your packing weeks in advance, this way you avoid having your items damaged or even lost in the melee. Start going through your belongings at least five weeks ahead of your move date and pack things you don’t use often, things like decorations, season clothes and that once in a while use dinner set. Secure your breakables: You can get some bubble wraps for your breakables like dishes, glasses and co but one good way to save money is to wrap these items in clothing. This way you are killing two birds with one cloth, you are packing your kitchenware and your clothes are the same time. Label your boxes: You know how new neighbors will want to ...


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