Thursday 19 July 2018

Outdoor Renovation 101

Outdoor Renovation 101 Reshaping an entire outdoor space is a very challenging process, especially during summer, when you're supposed to spend a lot of time enjoying the hot weather. In order to have a great looking garden, especially if you have a very small space, the most important things you must do are related to space optimisation and decorations. Let's break this down in a simpler way.  Luxury Furniture Is The Key In order to better understand this part, we must take what it's now renowned as "The LA Effect": a minimally treated green area is close to another one which is usually where all the furniture is. Every experienced designer knows that a simple approach to furniture is a winning point, especially when planning an outdoor area. To do so, your outdoor living furniture should be respecting this mantra, so no exaggerations are allowed.  Accessories: Style, But Also Practicality  Having a glass sculpture in your garden would be ...


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