Friday 13 July 2018

If Your AC Unit is Making Any of These Noises, Get It Checked Out

Air conditioners can and do make noises, and while some are completely normal and benign, others may signify a more substantial problem. If your air conditioner is making an unusual noise and you aren’t sure whether to call for service, the list below can help. If you hear any of the sounds shown below, you should contact your trusted HVAC service company for a checkup. High-Pitched Squeal A high-pitched squeal, hissing sound, or “scream” emanating from your air conditioner condenser (the outside part of the unit) could be indicative of a problem. Usually, this sort of sound will be apparent when the air conditioner first comes on and lasts about 10 seconds before it stops. Sometimes, the sound may be accompanied by short-cycling, which is a term that describes the air conditioner turning off and on frequently. This noise indicates high pressure in your condenser which is causing the squeal or hiss. This buildup of pressure can be dangerous, so turn off the AC and ...


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