Friday 20 July 2018

5 Critical Safety Tips for DIY Home Roof Repair Projects

Could it be that we are already midway through summer and already preparing for those autumn home repairs before the harsh cold months of winter set in? Usually, much of the work we need to do is on the exterior of our homes. So, it is that time again when we need to see what the spring rains and summer storms have done to our roofs. For those who prefer handyman DIY projects instead of paying high prices and waiting long periods of time for professional roofers, here are 5 critical safety tips for DIY home roof repair projects. Remember, you may be trying to save money, but safety is always first. 1. Know When the Job Is Beyond Your Ability Obviously, the first tip would be to know when the job is beyond something you can safely handle. If your roof is extremely steep and you don’t have the proper equipment like a Guardian fall protection harness with all the necessary hardware, it might be better to leave the job to a pro. Is what you can save replacing a few tiles worth your ...


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