Friday 9 March 2018

Why’s the mum in your life your hero?

There’s no denying mother figures play an important role in our lives – grandmothers, aunts, friends and, yes, our mothers too. In honour of Mother’s Day, we asked a few faces around our Anglian offices why the mums in their lives are their heroes. And when it comes to talking about their mother figures, Anglian employees aren’t shy about sharing the love.

Be warned – things are about to get a little mushy.

Liza Wrigley

If I was to describe any of the women in my family, strong and resilient are the two words that come to mind. I’m incredibly proud to have been raised by so many strong women; that’s why when thinking of Mother’s Day, I can’t just focus on my own mother but my grandmothers too.

Both have unfortunately passed away in the past two years, and the loss of their strength, love and humour is inexplicable and something I’m not sure I will ever fully recover from. Both saw a great deal of adversity in their lives and overcame all challenges, such as losing children, partners, war and illness. They faced all with humour, which is why I think we laugh at the most inappropriate times, as nothing in life is that serious and you should laugh as much as possible. They were my heroes for multiple reasons, and I could go on for ever about why.

My own mother is a great source of inspiration, as she has traveled the word, faced adversity and begun multiple businesses driven by her own passions. What more could you ask for in a mother?

Tony Cook

My Mum is my hero! My mum cares and looks out for everyone in our family; she listens and can give sound, solid advice or be a shoulder to cry on. My mum is always there and always does what she can to help. Love you mum, happy Mother’s Day xxx.

Matt Carey

My mum is a massive inspiration to me, and I credit a huge amount of the person I have become to her. I would describe my mum as brave, independent, loving, committed, supportive, constantly up for trying new things and with a passion for travel. She is a great listener, but can also talk for England (and Norway, where she’s originally from)!

My mum spent part of her childhood in a children’s home in Norway. At 19 she moved to the UK as an au pair and has resided here ever since. After raising two children – me and my younger sister – she is now able to enjoy her retirement and a significant amount of world travel, which is a constant source of jealousy for both me and my sister.

The love and respect I have for my mum grew immeasurably on the day my eldest son, Benjamin, was born, three years ago. She was at the hospital in a flash to meet her grandson, of course. But it was the event of me becoming a parent that brought the realisation of the unconditional love you feel for your children and what you would be willing to do for them (even moments after meeting them for the first time!). It actually made me feel a bit guilty for all I’ve put my mum through over the years, from simply not calling enough to getting into all kinds of trouble when I was a kid (don’t ask). If I can be half as good a parent as my mum, then both my sons will turn out alright.

Thanks mum, I love you. Happy Mother’s Day.

Haze Carver

My mum is more than my mum; she’s my best friend. We have so much fun together – whether it’s drinking coffee and people-watching, shopping for shoes or running into the freezing cold Norfolk Sea on Boxing Day…we love to laugh! She has taught me what it is to be a great mum.


Why’s the mum in your life your hero? Let us know on Twitter (@Anglianhome) and Facebook. We hope you and your mums have a lovely Mother’s Day!

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

The post Why’s the mum in your life your hero? appeared first on Good to be Home.

from Good to be Home

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