Friday 21 October 2016

The Best Way to Clean Your Kitchen Cabinets

Your kitchen is prone to messes more so than any other room in your home. When you consider all of the cooking, eating, socializing, and even the foot traffic that happens in your kitchen, it is not any wonder that many homeowners feel as though they are constantly cleaning and tidying up. Now, while most of us are pretty good about keeping our countertops clear, our floor swept, and our cooking surfaces clean, not as many of us can say that we are as fastidious about our cabinetry. Yet, we have all had that moment: Perhaps the sunlight catches your cabinet surfaces at just the right angle, perhaps you reach to open a drawer and feel something sticky on the handle, or perhaps you spent an entire day preparing a Thanksgiving dinner (and making the mess that goes along with that huge chore); however it came about, you suddenly realized that your cabinets need a thorough cleaning. But where do you start, and what is safe to use? To help put your mind at ease, here is a complete guide to ...


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