Wednesday 19 October 2016

5 Ways to Reduce A Household’s Environmental Footprint

A home’s environmental footprint refers to its overall impact on the environment, both in construction and when being inhabited. This includes elements such as the use of materials, the amount of waste and pollution produced, and the amount of ongoing resources it consumes, such as electricity and water. As the environmental footprint of an average home has continued to increase, changes to resource use and waste reduction are required to ensure our way of life does not become unsustainable. Reducing your home’s environmental footprint can make a significant difference. By doing things like limiting water use, reducing waste, utilising renewable energy and using eco friendly cleaning products, you can help to achieve a more sustainable society. Water Saving The conservation of water is one of the most important steps toward reducing the environmental footprint of a home. Many areas in the world are already under severe water stress, and if consumption continues at the ...


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