Tuesday 4 October 2016

Tech Competition To Raise Awareness Of Hearing Loss

Recently, the Hear and Now Noise Safety Challenge was planned by the U.S Department of Labor. This competition has been launched to allow entrepreneurs to provide a solution for the innumerable hazards of excessive noise in a workplace. EHS Today reveals that the improvement of safety of the hearing of workers is the top objective of this competition.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) have collaborated with each other to engineer the competition. It is hoped that a significant amount of awareness of hearing impairment can be achieved and a vast range of creative solutions can be found.

You can send in the submissions by the end of September 30, 2016. On the 7th of October, the competition organizers will pick the top 10 applicants. These participants will then travel to Washington D.C and express their innovative ideas in front a panel of judges on October 27.

Apart from playing host to a number of investors, the event will also feature a number of representatives from U.S Patent and Trademark Office and NIOSH Research to Practice program.

The general public is free to come and watch the events of the competition unfold. Here are a few of the ideas that can be presented on the day of the competition:

Technology that will enhance the training of workers efficiently and familiarize them with the correct procedure of hearing protection;

Technology that senses excessive noise and warns the worker when the hearing protection is unable to protect their ears for example custom ear plugs

Technology that protects workers from dangerous noise while permitting them to hear human voices and other essential sounds.

from Corn heat http://www.cornheats.com/tech-competition-to-raise-awareness-of-hearing-loss/

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