Wednesday 20 March 2019

Load Restraint Systems: Keeping the Roads Safe

It only takes a quick look at the number of accidents caused by trucks with unsecured loads to realise the importance of load restraint systems. Large quantities of cargo are transported on our roads on a daily basis. But whether or not these loads are secured is the reason we want to delve deeper into the subject today.   If only drivers realised that it’s their responsibility to ensure no danger whatsoever is caused by this kind of negligence. By simply making use of truck tie down straps, it greatly reduces the risk of incidences involving unrestrained loads.   What Does the Law Say About Load Restraint Systems? Fortunately this isn’t a matter up for debate. There are actually rules and regulations regarding how fleet owners must transport their loads to ensure safer roads. We’ll quickly summarise a couple so you don’t find yourself on the wrong side of the law. Don’ts Carry loads in such a manner that they end up being in direct contact with ...


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