Thursday 28 March 2019

5 Top Tips for Designing the Bathroom of Your Dreams

Designing any room in your home from scratch can be an intimidating process, and this is especially the case when designing a bathroom. Bathrooms require a lot of precision and careful planning to make sure that you create a space that is as beautiful as it is practical.    Bathrooms get a lot of use in a day, so they need to be laid out in such a way that they feel welcome, make sense for clearance, and have enough storage space to keep the room looking tidy and well-kept. Plumbing also needs to be considered when designing a bathroom, since you won’t have much of one if you haven’t taken into consideration where your plumbing stack is or if your design will even work.   If you’re lucky enough to be able to design a dream bathroom from scratch, then you’ll want to go into the process with as much information as possible to make sure you aren’t disappointed when you tell your contractor your dream design only to be shot down, or even worse, ...


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