Sunday 27 January 2019

Simple Ways to Secure Your Home

Your home is your special place where you feel comfortable and safe. Home is where you escape from the world and relax after a stressful day of work. There is no greater violation than when your home is invaded by burglars and your possessions are stolen.   Credit: @hdoan via Twenty20   Making sure your home and your belongings are safe and sound is important, and can be done without too much effort or expense. It’s also worth making sure that your home and contents are protected with the right amount of insurance. Analyse your parameters Start with the boundaries of your home, and walk the parameter to check for weak spots which thieves could make use of. Burglars like properties are hidden from the street, with plenty of places to hide and an easy escape route. Your job is to make life difficult for them. Keep shrubs and trees and hedges trimmed so there’s no place for someone to hide, especially near doors and windows. Look for blind spots and dark corners and ...


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