Wednesday 30 January 2019

How do smart meters work?

Smart meters are being rolled out across the whole of Britain, with the government aiming for every household to have been offered one by 2020. But what even is a smart meter, how do they work, and what are the benefits? In this article we’ll give you the low down and clue you up so you know whether getting a smart meter will help you on your quest to get the cheapest energy deals. What is a smart meter? Smart meters are the latest development in the gas and energy sector. They give households real-time energy usage information with an in-home display showing kWh use, and even cost. These new meters use a secure network nationally to automatically submit your energy usage information directly to your supplier So the days of ‘estimated’ bills for domestic energy are on the way out, and households will no longer have to go through the process of submitting their own meter readings on a regular basis. And it’s about time too, the technology currently used was ...


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