Friday 16 November 2018

Don’t Replace It — Repair It

A lot of Americans are struggling financially. Many of us have too little saved for retirement. Many of us could not afford a sudden expense of a few hundred dollars without having to take out a loan. Money issues cause us stress in our personal lives, including in our personal relationships. We lose sleep over money, fight over money, and fear money.   And then we spend it — a lot of it. It’s sometimes easy to see why. Many of the things that we Americans love to buy (or need to buy) have gotten cheaper over the years. While our overall financial situations look rough, each individual purchase we make can look pretty affordable.   There’s a problem, though. While we Americans may be able to buy things cheaply, we tend not to hold onto those things for as long as our parents and grandparents did. The idea of “buying for life” is fading away. We’ve replaced it with a “throwaway society,” experts lament. And it’s costing us. ...


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