Thursday 20 September 2018

5 Dead Simple Ways to Upgrade Your Landscape

Landscaping an entire yard is a big job, but a beautiful backyard doesn’t have to break the bank. With a little creativity and a little elbow grease, it’s entirely possible to give your current yard a big upgrade. Follow these simple tips to get a better looking, healthier, and more fun yard without too much hassle. 1. Build a Pizza Oven Have you ever had a wood-fired pizza? Usually, you have to find a nice Italian restaurant and drop a few bucks to get a rustic pizza, but building your own backyard pizza oven is much easier than you think. There are actually dozens of different ways to approach a homemade pizza oven, but all you really need is a bunch of bricks, a foundation, cement, some basic tools and safety gear, and an afternoon. Pinterest is full of guides to build your own for under $100, but we think this guide form Instructables is a great place to start. 2. Mulch Your Garden You might think of mulch as just an aesthetic choice, but think again. Mulch has all ...


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