Wednesday 23 May 2018

4 Benefits of a DIY Heat Recovery System Installation

Lately, you may have been hearing a lot about HRV (Heat Recovery and Ventilation) systems and now you probably want to know what they do and how they can benefit you. Since you have a newer model home, isn’t this already built into your furnace? The short answer is, probably not. Most homebuilders don’t go that extra mile as their profitability is based on keeping construction costs low. It’s understandable since those extra features would necessitate a rise in the sale price and so, this is one ‘corner’ they can legally and ethically cut. There is no law on the books that requires builders to provide heat recovery features to your HVAC system. Now it’s up to you to determine whether or not you need one. Your home is new, after all. Actually, these are the homes that have greater reasons to have a heat recovery system installed because they are built to be air tight and don’t have the ventilation older homes have. Now then, for those benefits, ...


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