Sunday 17 February 2019

Ingenious Method to Get Rid of Ants at Your Home

Have you ever walked into the kitchen in the morning to go rinse off some dishes and spotted ants?  Or maybe you've been showering and noticed those pesky guys down around the drain?   Whatever the case, you are usually not very excited to know that your home has acquired some new friends.  The question remains, how to get rid of these guys?  The answer is actually much more simple than you think. Before we straight into the method that you need to be using lets first discuss things that you are probably trying or have tried and they did not work.   Most people see ants, they immediately run to the big box store, grab the biggest can of Ant Killer Spray they can find, bring it home and they turn into a pest control specialist.   Unfortunately the ants are only temporarily slowed down, as hours later a whole new crew of worker ants are coming back into your home.  But why?  It's because you arent going to the source of the ...


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