Friday 7 December 2018

Five Ways to Fund Your Property Purchase

Property purchases can be funded in a variety of ways. Whether you are looking to buy a home or a commercial property of any kind, it’s worth considering all available options. In terms of costs, accessibility and the simplicity of the payment process, there are marked differences from one funding option to the next. So with this in mind, here’s a look at five avenues to explore for funding your next property purchase: Cash First up, a lump-sum cash payment is by far the quickest and easiest way to acquire property. If you have access to the required funds in cash, you could be looking at an unbeatable deal. Paying by cash means taking full ownership of the property near instantly, with no additional monthly repayments or contractual obligations to fulfil. In addition, purchasing a property in cash means no interest rates, administration fees or typical borrowing costs to worry about. On the downside, it can be difficult to accrue the sufficient funds to cover the price of ...


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