Wednesday 29 November 2017

How to Properly Maintain your Kitchen Appliances

Bad habits die hard, but badly maintained kitchen appliances die rather easily. In other words, bad habits can cost you a lot of money and hassle with customer support. In many cases, some basic maintenance like cleaning a filter can extend the life of your valuable appliances. Try out the following maintenance tips and see for yourself that they really work. Refrigerator The refrigerator is probably the most expensive and most heavily-used appliance in your kitchen. As far as the maintenance is concerned, you better leave it to professionals, however, there are a few things that you can do to make it last longer. The rubber gasket on the door, which secures a tight closure, is prone to clogging. Use paper towels and Lysol or any other countertop cleaner to remove any debris. Once every six months, vacuum under and on the back of the fridge to keep the coils free of dust. It will prevent its motor from overloading and reducing its power efficiency. In case the power goes out while you ...


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