Monday 25 September 2017

How Does Hard Water Affect Your Plumbing?

Hard water is common throughout the world, but many people don't really know what the term means or how it affects their home's plumbing. Hard water is caused by minerals in the water, mainly calcium and magnesium. While hard water isn't considered harmful or dangerous to your health, it can wreak havoc on your plumbing system, your faucets and some of your appliances. If you have hard water, you might notice that soap doesn't lather properly. It might also feel like soap leaves behind a film you can't get rid of. Shampoo and conditioner may be hard to rinse out and may even damage your hair. The same problem occurs when doing laundry. Detergents and soap lose some of their effectiveness, so clothes may feel stiff and look dirty. How Does Hard Water Affect Plumbing Systems? Hard water contains high levels of calcium, which can create deposits in your plumbing system. Calcium deposits are flaky and white or yellow in color. They typically show up on your faucets, ...


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