Wednesday 16 August 2017

Eco Friendly House Cleaning Tips

Eco-friendly house cleaning has become something that more people are aware of, as greenhouse gases and global warming begin to affect us all. You don’t have to be an eco-warrior or an environmental activist to know that there are cause and effect in everything we do. While we may not be able to make the decisions that world leaders do about reducing emissions and tackling waste, we can do our bit. Collectively when many do the same environmentally positive action, the overall effect can be felt for longer and by more people. Whether you are cleaning a home as part of a service offered by a business or your own home as part of your daily/weekly routine, there are many small things that you can do to make a difference. Try out these tips and hints to get your home cleanse and keep the environment clean too: Homemade cleaning materials When making your own cleaning products, just like previous generations did, you’ll skip out the additional chemicals and keep all the ...


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