Wednesday 7 June 2017

How to Remove Calcium Deposits from a Showerhead

Hard water can wreak havoc on your faucets and showerheads. Over time, calcium build-up can actually block your showerhead – which can really ruin your morning routine. As you know, hard water has high levels of calcium, lime, magnesium and other minerals. These minerals pass through your showerhead and once they dry, they leave behind deposits that build up over time. That build-up can eventually clog your showerhead jets, so you either have no water or just a little water coming out. Removing those hard water, or calcium, deposits can help keep your shower running smoothly. Here's how to get rid of that pesky build-up that's blocking your showerhead. Vinegar Soak One of the most effective ways to get rid of hard water deposits in your showerhead is with a good vinegar soak. Both white and apple cider vinegar will work. There are two ways to use vinegar to clear deposits: a plastic bag, or a bath. Plastic Bag Method If you can't remove the shower head, the bag ...


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